Saturday, November 1, 2008

When it's 65 degrees outside, and you are from Texas...

you pull out your winter clothes.

I decided, with the lovely weather, that it would be a great day to head to the beach to try out our recently aquired jogging stroller (thanks Diaz family!) I heard that walking on the beach, pushing the stroller, is a great workout, and it’s about time I start working off the remainder of the baby weight. Anyways, I pulled out the winter clothes, layered Emily up, and we headed to the beach, only to get there and find everyone else in swimsuits. Yes, swimsuits. Apparently, 65 degrees means “perfect day for the beach” to North Carolinians. I kept checking, and Emily never got too hot. Turns out, although she was born in NC, she still has Texas blood. Thank goodness. I don’t need another person in this house who enjoys freezing out momma. Check out the little smile…

So, the beach was definitely a workout. Bad thing about walking on the beach… you walk all the way down one direction, and when you are tired and turn around, you still have to walk all the way back. Could someone build some kind of loop to walk at the beach? Emily was quite exhausted, as well, although I don’t know why. She didn’t even wake up as I moved her from the stroller to the car, and from the car to her carseat. Poor thing.

Notice the big girl clothes?

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