Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome Home Shaun!

Daniel’s beloved friend Shaun Miller got home from Afghanistan Saturday night!!!

It was quite an exciting day, as you can imagine. To start off the day, our friend Aubree drove down from Virginia Beach to partake in the homecoming, as well. We had a day full of hanging out, catching up, and laughing… lots and lots of laughing.

Poor Rebecca had a cute dress to wear, but Mother Nature decided to drop the temperature 30 degrees on Saturday, which drastically changed wardrobe plans. Plus, Shaun was originally suppose to get in around 5pm, but ended up arriving a little before midnight. Not the best picture-taking conditions, but we still got some good shots.

I definitely got emotional, but not as much as I expected. We got up to base around 8pm to await for Mr. Miller to arrive, so we spent a good couple of hours entertaining each other. Laughter seemed to lighten the mood. I was worried about how little miss Emily would handle the long wait, but she did amazing, as always. She took a little nap, and then was wide awake as we waited outside for the buses to pull up. All the excitement outside wore her out, and she passed out 10 minutes before Shaun got there. We made it all the way home and I even managed to take off her 10 layers without her waking up. She was one tired pup.

Enjoy the pics…

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