Monday, November 3, 2008

A chunky baby in an ocean room

Like I said yesterday, Emily has been a little under the weather. She started running a little fever, so I made an appointment for the doctor today. Everything went well, and of course, being the age that she is, they couldn't do anything for her. The PA did warn me to be on the lookout for more developing symptoms. She threw out a couple of illnesses I never had heard of, that all ended up with a trip to the hospital. Whatever happened to the good, old sinus infection? Must everything her age result in a trip to the hospital? I mean, she just has a little congestion, but if she starts sounding like a “seal” I will call the ER. (That's honestly the suggestion I walked away with.)

So, I picked Emily's doctor because they have two separate offices, one for well visits and one for sick visits. We have frequented the well office multiple times, like any newborn parent. The people I see in the waiting room there seem like nice, clean people -- all people I could see myself socializing with. The sick visit office is the complete opposite. For some reason, everyone in there looks like the scum of Jacksonville. Why is that? Jacksonville is known for not being the best city, but why is there such disparity in the same doctor's office waiting rooms? All the kids looked like they hadn't had a bath in about a week, and there clothes looked like they hadn't had a bath in about a month. Everyone was ratty, smelly, and gross. I didn't even want to touch anything in there and felt uncomfortable even sitting in the chair waiting. The doctor's office must have noticed my discomfort because when they finally called Emily's name, they put us in this room...

It's so much better than the space alien room we were in last time, for more than the obvious reason. says Emily is in the 75-90 percentile for weight. Can't you tell?

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