Saturday, November 1, 2008

To answer your questions...


1. I have had no real connection to the outside world after the discovery of my new love “c jane enjoy it.” I have no clue how our friends are, but I will check and get back to you…
2. Since your departure, I have washed the sheets and have yet to put them back on the bed (yes, two weeks sleeping with no sheets), washed no laundry, and have not fixed myself up… hence no pictures of me, but your wish is my command.

3. I had a coke zero today and missed you an exponential amount

4. We went to the beach the other day and Emily got to wear her swimsuit for the first time. She just laid back and took in all in, while sitting in her bath chair (smart, huh?) Before we left, I took her to the waters edge and had her stand up on the sand. The water came and ran over her feet and she SCREAMED her head off. She stopped crying the second i picked her up, so, naturally, like any good parent… i did it a couple more times, because maybe the water is an aquired taste? That girl has got to love the beach!


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