Monday, December 21, 2009

Multitude Mondays - Week Four

Well, we got through the last week without Daniel. It has been nice that December flew by so fast, because before we knew it, Daniel was back safely in our home. After taking 4 flights in a little over 24 hours, I'm impressed that he was only 4 hours delayed. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Daniel's bags. They are either in Georgia (the country), Germany, DC, or Charlotte, but they definitely are not at our house. Taking into consideration that he flew three different airlines does not make matters any better. We will just continue to pray that they will get here before we leave Wednesday morning for Texas, as there are Christmas presents inside the bags, as well. If missing bags are the biggest of our problems, then we are doing pretty well. We really have a lot to be thankful for...

87. Fruit smoothies
88. The joy in making Emily laugh
89. Having a busy schedule that makes time fly by when Daniel is gone
90. Stickers -- hours of enjoyment
91. Doing our first of many Christmas art projects
92. Realizing how old Emily is getting while we cuddle on the couch watching the Sound of Music
93. Going to see a living nativity
94. That Daniel is safely back home from Georgia (the country)
95. That Emily knows how to pray now before meals and sometimes reminds me
96. Making new friends
97. Watching Emily be entranced by the Nutcracker
98. Participating in ornament exchanges
99. Becoming more involved and the satisfaction and growth that it brings
100. Getting to be a mommy
101. The feeling of a clean house
102. Going to dinner with good friends
103. Knowing God is always there
104. That Daniel managed to get on the last flight back to Jacksonville last night
105. Finding brilliant ideas on the internet that I would have never come up with

holy experience

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