Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Has it really been 2 weeks?

I can't believe it has already been two weeks since Daniel got home. The time has flown by! Unfortunately, I have nothing to show for it. I have been living in some kind of haze. I really need to get better about posting on here, but what do I say? I feel like we haven't done that much. We are in that time period where Daniel is getting adjusted to this new life, and it really is new to him. When he left, we were on no kind of schedule, we could get out of the house whenever we wanted, and we definitely weren't chasing after Emily.

They say if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit, so today starts 21 straight days of blog posts. I am hoping after that, the habit will stick. Plus, baseball season started and I need something new to preoccupy my time, since I lost my husband to the Astros.

Emily has changed so much and I haven't even been posting about it. She has 4 huge teeth now, and at least 2 more have broken the skin. She is pulling up on EVERYTHING, moving back and forth between close furniture, and has started taking some steps while holding onto things. She is talking up a storm -- everything is "dada" right now. And, she loves to dance to music. I guess I have some stuff to post about after all...

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