Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our first trip to the ER

Emily has been sick for the past couple of days. Really sick. She is congested and has a hacky cough, which makes her really cranky. After an evening of non-stop crying, Roxy decided she had had it, and od-ed on 14 pain pills.

Dead serious.

We made a trip to the ER, and the little one got her tummy pumped.

When Daniel and I first started dating, he told me that he would never, EVER spend any money on a pet. I cried. A lot. And I wanted to start a fight. Recently he told me to spare no expense when it came to Roxy. Apparently she doesn't qualify as a "pet" anymore.

At least the doggie ER isn't as much as the human ER.

1 comment:

jessieandty said...

Oh no!!! Poor Roxy!!!! At least she is little:) Caleb got sick a while ago and it was quite a challenge to get a 75 pound sick dog in the car....