Today was the first day of MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) and I have really been looking forward to getting back to this wonderful group. All MOPS programs are set up differently and ours is speaker-based, which I love. We had some really good speakers come this past year and I cannot wait to hear everyone who is currently lined up to come speak to us, including a personal suggestion I had. Living in Houston, we really have a lot of powerful speakers at our fingertips!
Unfortunately, I did not get to participate at this week's meeting because they needed someone to help out in childcare. It was probably for the best, though, because I somehow got suckered into doing the curriculum for the kids program and I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly for all the classes. My husband keeps telling me that I didn't get suckered in because I sort of volunteered, but what was I suppose to say when at a leadership meeting they told us all to start praying about someone to do the kids curriculum because we were in desperate need of someone and I had just been looking at stuff online that was appropriate? Maybe I can say God suckered me into it? It was sort of a right place at the right time sort of situation. Someone had to step up. I came up with all the ideas and have people who are willing to get them all together -- that really is all the help I think I will need. Although, I am also the service coordinator. We will see how sane I am by the end of the year.
This year, the kids are going through stories in the Old Testament, so of course we started with creation today. We read the story, went over an applicable Bible verse a couple of times, then everyone got to do the craft. I think it was quite a hit and I even heard some mothers raving about it. Score! Let's just hope that the other crafts go over just as well.
The older kids made a tissue paper earth sun catcher. Emily's is above. I decided I LOVE contact paper and will be buying a lot for crafts around here. Talk about a mess-less activity!
For the little kids, I figured tissue paper would be too difficult to work with, so we did a similar activity with construction paper. It is based off of an idea Emily did at mother's day out once when she was 18 months, so I knew it was doable. Olivia gets to participate in craft time this year, so it is fun seeing her first creations, as well.

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