I am reminded daily of many of the reasons why I married my husband. Very rarely I forgot one of the many reasons, but when something reminds me, I fall in love with Daniel all over again. I was reminded recently of Daniel's passion for themed parties. He couldn't cut up a pair of his old jeans fast enough when he found out about a friends 80s themed birthday party. I guarantee you, they would have been WAY shorter if I hadn't been there to monitor.

Oh, and his dance moves! I forgot how great they were. I honestly stood in the corner for the first 30 minutes of the dance party thinking, "I can't believe he is mine!"

Daniel's hand is in an awkward place -- he is not groping me. Definitely not a picture to put up on the living room wall, yet the only one taken of just the two of us in a long time.

So glad we convinced Chris to come with us. He is such a great friend and he, also, comes along with amazing dance moves.

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