When I first graduated from college, I started praying about where the Lord wanted me to serve. It wasn't long before we were married and then pregnant. I started reading Christian-based motherhood books and decided "This is my ministry!" Something was missing, though. Not that motherhood isn't a ministry. I strongly believe it is the most important ministry there is. Let's face it... as parents, you are raising the next generation to do great works for the Kingdom of God. Sort of gives you chills to think about, right? What I am doing right now will hopefully have an everlasting effect to further God's plan through the generations.
Getting back to serving... I read a book this spring, Crazy Love, that really gave me a wake up call. It showed me just how little service I was doing that Christ has called me to do. I also realized that I wanted to start cultivating a heart towards service in my children NOW. It wasn't just going to happen on its own, and I wanted it to be something that they just grew up naturally doing. All of my service activities growing up revolved around clubs and organizations. I can't say I did one thing that wasn't put on, supported, or required by something I was involved in. Not that this is wrong, but I want service to be something that my children do naturally all the time. I want them to be aware of the need around them and aware of how much the Lord has blessed our lives. I want them to jump into action because they feel called, and not only because someone is organizing a drive.
Right around this time I was asked to be the service coordinator for MOPS. Of course, I jumped at the chance, since this was something the Lord had recently placed on my heart. I am excited about all of our activities. Some are quite easy and don't require anything more than at-home participation and some are more organized. My goal is to give monthly activities for the moms to do with their children to start planting those service seeds.
One service project I shared today was homeless bags. Simple enough, they are bags of goodies that you pass out to homeless people you see. In the book Crazy Love, I also came across 1 John 3:17... "Whoever has material possessions and sees a brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?" I always feel at a loss when I see the homeless around Houston. I hate giving money, and on top of that, I never really have free cash in my purse. This is the perfect alternative. Plus, what preschooler does not love to sort and assemble bags?
I explained to the girls that we are so blessed to have a warm bed to sleep in every night and food on our table. Some people aren't as lucky and do not have a home and are very hungry. These bags would hopefully bring a little joy to their life and make things a little easier. Immediately, Emily became more aware of the people on the side of the road and was excited to pass out our bags. Planting seeds... mission accomplished!
I got everything from the dollar store and Tuesday Morning. All together, I spent about $20 to put 8 bags together. After you make these (because you are going to, right?), I encourage you to pray over the bags with your children, and also pray for the specific person whenever you pass out a bag. 9 times out of 10 people will take the bag thankfully. Of course, every once in a while, someone will decline because that is not exactly what they are looking for. I think it is important to realize that some people have some pretty heavy strongholds in their life and these people need even more prayers. You can explain to your children that some people are really lost and don't even know what they really need. Pray that the Lord may bring someone into their life to put them on the right track and also introduce the Lord to them.

The day I presented this activity with my MOPS group, we had an educational roundtable. We had representatives come from the various schooling options we have in Houston... public school, a private school, a university-model school (blend between traditional school and homeschooling), and a homeschooling parent. The director of the private school came up to me at the end of my talk and asked if I included any religious material in the bag. I told her that I meant to, but have not gotten around to printing anything to put in the bags. She said the school would love to donate pocket Bibles or spiritual foundation handouts for the bags. I got chills when she told me. So exciting!
We are called to help the homeless. Have you done anything for them recently??? Here are some ideas of things to include in your homeless bags...
- chapstick
- package of tissue
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- mouthwash
- comb
- soap and washrag
- handwipes
- socks
- bottled water
- non-perishable food: granola bars, peanut butter crackers, trail mix, etc.