We are busy, busy, busy over at the Wetzel house right now. Although we are attempting to move ourselves, we are paying for movers to load the moving van. Most of our belongings are packed and we are finishing the last few boxes before our help arrives on Thursday. My mom flew in yesterday, and we are so thankful she is here. It is a lot easier to pack and take care of two children now!
I had a lot of posts planned about everything I am going to miss about this place, but as always, I did not get around to writing them. Soon, hopefully. Since I know that my Aunt Charlene checks this thing religiously, and is probably looking for something new, I knew I had to post at least something...
My mom always told me that I started dressing myself at a very young age. Emily definitely got my stubbornness, and in the past month has taken this joy away from me, as well. Like her mother did at the age of two, she picks out what she wants to wear for the day and puts it all on by herself. I finally learned I have to keep her bedroom door shut, or we go through, at least, 5 outfits in a day. I think we are in need of some dress up clothes now because I am tired of not knowing if her clothes are really dirty, or if she got tired of her outfit, put it in the clothes hamper, and picked out a new outfit.
Although she dresses appropriately now (and even matches) for a while it was touch-and-go...